The Story of being a Newport Booster
Over 60 years ago, a group of community minded individuals in Newport recognized the need to form an organization to help support and finance Newport High School athletics. The Booster Club has evolved significantly over the years. Yet, we are as committed as ever to aid Newport High athletics as well as the academic endeavors at Newport High, including activities such as music. The founder created a simple mission statement that we continue to uphold:
Promote and facilitate the character and skill development of youth through the support of sports and other extra-curricular activities.
We have grown significantly since our organization; we now number nearly 700 members. The diverse and active group meets weekly. We promote and organize special projects that encourage student-athlete participation. Our membership doesn’t just go through the motions; we are committed and know that we are the “cheerful givers”.
Our membership strongly believes that participation in school activities will strengthen the student’s character, determination and vision of what is important in his/her future. To this end, we have created a fund for participation fee waivers. This account insures that any student athlete that wants to participate has the opportunity to do so regardless of family finances. This is readily available to all who request. This is not a gift. The student commits to “work off” the activity fee. This requirment is intended to help create responsibility and character. We are fortunate to have donors who have contributed over $10,000 annually to this fund so we may keep this door open to our student athletes. In 2010 we committed funds to the reinstatement of 7th and 8th grade football and volleyball, with the possibility of other sports and activities in the future.
Another major thrust of the Booster Club has been the creation of an endowment. This endowment insures the club’s mission. We reached our original $500,000 Endowment goal in 2011, but continue to grow the fund to assure our ability to meet future growing obligations. This fund is the club’s determined way of securing the future of our commitment.
The Newport Booster Club has four major fundraisers annually: In August – Booster Golf Bash, October – Fall Banquet, April – Spring Auction and Garage Sale, First Saturday after Memorial Day – Newport Marathon.
We invite you to get involved! Being a Booster can turn into something great by changing a student athletes’s life. Realize that you can make a difference! You can become a lifetime member for only $5.00. Come be a part of a fun loving group by attending our weekly meetings.
The Newport Booster Club meets every Friday at 7AM at the Newport Elks Lodge (2020 NE 22nd) PO Box 2216, Newport, Oregon 97365