Behavior Expectations & Electronic Devices

Behavior Expectations

Public Display of Affection
Lincoln County School District policy is very clear on overt affection. In short, it states: “Student display of affection for each other will be limited to holding hands.” Students should refrain from kisses, hugs, etc. “Making out” at school is considered inappropriate. Students should show respect for one another.

Bus Transportation
Riding the school bus is a privilege. Improper conduct on the bus may result in the loss of riding privileges and/or other disciplinary action. Riders shall get on or off the bus only at their designated stop.

Dances are school activities held for the enjoyment of Newport High School students. A student may bring a guest to the homecoming, prom or winter ball dance by completing a guest pass form one week prior to the dance and receiving administrative approval prior to the dance. The host student is responsible for the guest’s behavior during the dance. Once students have entered the dance they may not re-enter if they leave before the dance is over. Students should bring their school identification to all dances.

Driving and Parking
The privilege of driving motor vehicles on school property will be revoked to individual students who show disregard for the safety and welfare of the school community and our neighbors. Prohibited behaviors related to motor vehicles include: speeding, violating the basic rule, reckless driving, storage or transport of stolen or illegal items or substances, firearms or dangerous weapons. School officials may conduct searches of vehicles parked on school property. Items determined to be illegal, a threat to the safety of others or disruptive to the learning environment may be confiscated.

Community Relations
Students are to show respect for the property and community neighborhood throughout Newport and around the school. The student code of conduct and other school policies apply to students as long as they are enrolled as a student.

School lockers are the property of LCSD. Stickers may not be placed on the outside or inside of the locker. A locker and its contents may be searched at any time. Gym locker rooms are for student use during the assigned P.E. class and for student-athlete use in conjunction with practice and competitions. Students should not otherwise be in the locker rooms.

Off Limits
Students are not to be on the roof of the school building for any reason. If an object becomes stuck on the roof, a custodian should be contacted for assistance. High School students are not allowed on other public school campuses during the school day without expressed prior permission from a staff member at Newport and the school being visited. This includes the Newport Middle School campus.

Skateboards, Scooters, Wheelies, and Bikes
Wheels are not to touch the floor, ground, or pavement on the Newport High School Campus. Skateboards, wheelie shoes and/or scooters used on campus are subject to confiscation. Bikes should not be brought inside the school without permission.

Please remind individuals visiting the school, for any reason, that they must first report to the main office. Teacher or classroom visitations may be arranged either by directly contacting the teacher, or by requesting an appointment through the office. In either case, visitors must first report their presence in the building, sign in the guest book; receive a visitor’s pass before entering the building or a classroom. As a general rule, students are not allowed to bring student visitors with them to attend classes.

Hours of Supervision
Supervision is provided at Newport High School during school hours. Students should not be in the school after hours without supervision.

Newport High School expects every staff member, substitute teacher, fellow student and community member to be treated with mutual respect and dignity. It is imperative that the teacher is recognized as the authority figure in the classroom. Staff is charged with responsibility for all students assigned to their classes and at school sponsored activities.

Alcohol and Drugs
A student who knowingly possesses, uses, or is under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, controlled substance (other than a drug prescribed to the specific student for present use), or intoxicant of any kind while on school grounds or at any school activity shall face consequences as determined by district policy and state law.

Cheating or Plagiarism
The acts of cheating or plagiarism in connection with academics are detrimental to the individual and the school system. Consequences could lead to course failure and jeopardize graduation.

Dress Code
Student dress and appearance shall not be disruptive to the educational process. This standard of dress is in effect at all school-sponsored events. Clothing and/or jewelry depicting, advertising, or extolling illegal substances (e.g. tobacco, alcohol and drugs) or is considered to be “gang style” is not appropriate for school wear. Please review the full Student Dress Code policy on the LCSD Website.

Students involved in fighting, either on the way to or from school, during the noon hour, on school property, or in the community will be subject to suspension.

Fire Alarms
Causing a false alarm is both a violation of school rules and a criminal offense. It is mandatory that the school reports the suspected individual to law enforcement officials.

Pep Assemblies/Games
Students should be respectful to all athletes, presenters, guests, staff and fellow students.

Forgery or Lying
Any student found to be falsifying notes or phone calls to the school will be subject to suspension.

Hall Passes
Students should have staff issued passes to be out of class during their regularly assigned class periods. Staff will ask students in the hallway during class to show a pass. Misuse of a pass will result in the loss of privilege and possible disciplinary consequences. Continued problems may result in the student losing their right to be given a pass to leave class.

Intimidation, Menacing, Threats
Use of threats, intimidation, harassment or coercion against any fellow student or staff member is sufficient cause for discipline, suspension or expulsion from school.

Profane, disrespectful, demeaning language is not acceptable at Newport High School. The use of profane, vulgar or other inappropriate language is prohibited and offenders may be suspended.

Law Violations
Acts of theft, vandalism, assault, possession of weapons and menacing are violations of the law. Such behavior is cause for disciplinary action to include suspension. Students involved in these types of behavior will be referred to law enforcement authorities and may be recommended for expulsion.

Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is any unwanted sexual advance, request for sexual favors or other unwanted verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Behavior of this type will not be tolerated. Any student or staff who is subject to, or knows of sexual harassment should immediately notify the building principal or another person of authority.

Use or possession of tobacco on the school grounds or at a school event is a violation of state law and district policy. Violations of the law/policy will result in confiscation, parent contact, and appropriate consequence. Additional violations will be handled in accordance with LCSD Policy.

Students involved in vandalism or defacing school property must reimburse the school district for the cost of labor, and materials needed to correct the damage. Students will be subject to disciplinary consequences and may be referred to law enforcement.

Weapons, or replicas of weapons that could be reasonably mistaken for real weapons, are not permitted on campus or at school activities. Possession of a Firearm or other dangerous weapon is sufficient grounds for expulsion.

Electronic Device Expectations

A “personal electronic device (PED)” is a device that is capable of electronically communicating, sending, receiving, storing, recording, reproducing and/or displaying information and data.

Personal electronic devices are valuable communication tools; however, these devices can be disruptive to the learning environment and pose potential legal issues for students (i.e. inappropriate pictures, cheating, etc.).

To protect students’ academic learning time and to maintain an appropriate learning environment, personal electronic devices must remain out of sight and turned off or on silent upon entering classrooms and throughout the duration of class unless explicitly instructed by a teacher to use for class related purposes. Students may use personal electronic devices before/after school, during lunch, and during passing periods. 

If a student is seen using a personal electronic device in any part of the building during class time without the express permission of the teacher as part of the instruction, or if the phone disrupts class in any way, a teacher or staff member will follow the corrective action process. Cell phones, cameras, or other devices should not be used to photograph or film others without their consent. Parents/guardians are reminded that in cases of emergency, the main office is the appropriate point of contact to ensure that your child is reached quickly and assisted in an appropriate way.

Students who violate the LCSD Electronic Device and Social Media Student Contract, will face corrective action as described below:

  • First violation – minor referral for technology violation, reteach/reminder of expectations by teacher, electronic device will be stored in the main office to be picked up by student at the end of the school day.
  • Second violation – minor referral for technology violation, electronic device confiscated and will be stored in the main office to be picked up by parent/guardian at the end of the school day, additional consequence i.e. lunch detention will be assigned.
  • Third violation – major referral for technology violation, electronic device confiscated and will be stored in the main office to be picked up at end of the day or later by parent/guardian, additional consequence i.e. behavior contract, will be assigned.