2022 Lincoln County Summer Meal Schedule & Sites / Lugares y horario de comidas de verano del condado de Lincoln de 2022
Download the Summer Meal Schedule below: English Spanish Siletz meal site has been updated. The rest of the meals sites...
Download the Summer Meal Schedule below: English Spanish Siletz meal site has been updated. The rest of the meals sites...
July 5th to July 29th from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Free to children ages 1-18, LUNCH PROVIDED Garden Camp...
June 29, 2022 The new grandstands, originally scheduled to be completed by September 2022, have been delayed due to unforeseen...
When Secondary Director Majalise Tolan wanted to take graduating Title VI Indian Education students from Lincoln County School District to...
Addison Wolf – NHS 10th Grade Alissa Gerth – Taft 7-12 8th Grade Aubri Hoffman – Taft Elementary...
Welcome to Newport Middle School! Natalia Aguilar, Assistant Principal My name is Natalia Aguilar and I am excited to serve...
High School Chromebook Monitoring Summer 2022 Students that are currently in 9th, 10th, or 11th grade are able keep the...
This is a follow-up message to address many concerns voiced when we announced the summer meal plans and schedule in...
Estimados estudiantes y familias, El Distrito Escolar del Condado de Lincoln se complace en ofrecer comidas de verano nuevamente. Queremos...
Dear Students & Families, Lincoln County School District is excited to offer summer meals again. We want to share some...