Sophomores & Juniors – Partnership for Scientific Inquiry

Sophomores & Juniors – Partnership for Scientific Inquiry

Posted on November 10, 2020

We take Oregon sophomore and junior high school students who are interested in pursuing careers in medicine or biomedical research through a 16-week course. The PSI Program introduces high school students to the scientific process and provides access to research scientists from OHSU and other Portland research institutes. This is a semester-long program with a potential opportunity to be paired with a mentor for a summer research experience. There is no cost to students. We meet virtually on Tuesday nights for two hours from February to May. Students must submit an application and arrange for one teacher or counselor recommendation sent to us by the deadline of December 21, 2020. For program details and application forms visit:

The opportunity to learn from mentors of this caliber is an amazing one that I would love to share with as many candidates as possible. If you think that you have students that would be interested in this opportunity, please invite them to apply.  The program is free of charge; however, attendance is required.